An educated customer is our best customer. During our initial consultation we will take the time to discuss our clients needs, wants, and desired budget range for their outdoor space. Almost every meeting includes discussion about options, so here are some of the more common patio options we typically discuss with our clients.
Type of Pavers (or natural stone)
One of the initial options you will start with any outdoor living space is paver type. Basic pavers are very nice (EP Henry old town cobble or Coventry), but the next step up is a larger stone that you can get with a textured surface such as EP Henry Bristol or Techo Bloc Blu 60. Then you get into the upper level pavers known as Wet Cast. Although the choices grow each year, the most popular seem to be EP Henry Devonstone and Techo Bloc Aberdeen. The most common natural stone is flagstone, which comes in full color and thermal flagstone. Even though the full color flagstone is cheaper it takes longer to lay because the consistency in sizes vary slightly more than the thermal, so price ends up about the same in the end in a dry laid application. When we are installing flagstone in a wet cement bed it is about the same time so full color is less expensive in that scenario.
Sitting Walls & Columns
An 18” or 24” tall sitting wall can add depth and character to any outdoor patio, and columns help to frame those walls

Whether it is connected to the house or a standalone unit a pergola can create a wonderful defined space. Some of our clients will plant climbing trumpet vines for that classic look. Materials range from cedar, the pressure treated wood (painted or stained), to maintenance free PVC.
Fireplaces or Firepits
A fire feature can extend your patio season, and will help to create wonderful memories with family and friends. Wood burning firepits are the least expensive, and gas/propane firepits can add another $3,000 on top of that depending on size (BTU) and plumbing costs to hook it up. A basic Fireplace can run between $8k-10K, and we have built $45,000 units that are more involved and incorporate walls and wood boxes as well.

We recommend a professional grade 12 volt LED system that can be wired into the walls, steps, and features while under construction. Under cap lights help accent steps and landings, and also can make a sitting wall pop. A bullet light is typically used to uplight shrubbery around the perimeter of the patio or house. And a well light is used for uplighting trees. The right combination of low voltage lighting will turn that outdoor space into a nighttime oasis!