Spring is here, is your outdoor space ready?

Time to Get Outside - It’s Spring!

After a relatively mild winter, Spring seems to have officially arrived.  The daffodils are in bloom, the robins have returned, and everywhere in our area the cherry blossoms are displaying their beautiful hues of pink and white.  The start of the baseball season is just around the corner and everywhere I look, there seems to be a renewed sense of optimism about what the coming months will bring.

This all, of course, brings a whole new (but not so new) set of responsibilities.  It’s time to clean up the yard debris, get our planting beds in order, and perhaps get started on that lawn care program to make sure yours is the greenest and healthiest on the block.  One item that can often be overlooked, however, is the care for your hardscape.  It is estimated that over 75% of suburban and rural residential properties have some sort of stone or concrete area that are used primarily for entertainment and family gathering.  With over 10 million SF of hardscape laid annually in the United States, odds are, you’ve got some sort of concrete, natural stone or paver patio or walkway at your residence.  

Don’t neglect your hardscape this spring!  Did you know that there are programs in place that offer to clean, repair, and restore your outdoor entertainment space?  We all know that everything inside and outside of homes require maintenance to protect and enhance its appearance, and also to increase longevity of our investments.  Your concrete or stone should be no different!  Click here to watch an informational video on how we can totally transform the look and feel of your outdoor space with a process that often takes less than one day to perform.  

CKC Landscaping, Inc. offers a unique program that engages our  ICPI certified specialists to perform minor and major repairs to your outdoor living spaces.  We employ a two step cleaning process that removes organic debris from the surfaces and crevices of your hardscape, bringing them back to life.  Our teams will then stabilize the joints between stones of your hardscape with the appropriate materials chosen specifically for your project.  Finally, our team applies a state-of-the-art protective sealant that will not only enhance the look of your hardscape, but also serves to protect it from the elements and spills for years to come.

If you would like to schedule a consultation regarding the care of your hardscape, please call us today at 610.436.1810 or fill out our online contact form and a member of our Restoration and Enhancement Team will contact you right away!

EP Henry patio restoraed and enhanced by CKC Landscaping
EP Henry old town cobble paver patio brought back to life and restored by CKC Landscaping